Israel today through the eyes of a humanist

Being a musician and an artist in Israel today, I am fighting to keep our country as a Democratic state. Israel today is not the Israel I was born into in 1971. Now in Israel there is:

1. Open racism towards various Jewish groups from Jews - a serious shift that is not a coincidence but a planned out plot that has been going on for over 20 years. A brilliant act of people from outside the country with the most sinister interests to keep our land filled with bloodshed and to prevent any successful plans of peace between Israelis and Palestinians or any Arab people. The verbal brutality through social media and the splits in Jewish families in Israel due to extremely differing political opinions are only escalatingJews referred to as Ashkenazic are being attacked for being "privileged" over the years (since leadership and key positions in the country were mostly held by a Ashkenazic majority). It the time for vengeance. Secular Jews are being accused by extreme right-wing supporters of Ben Gvir and Smotrich of being antisemitic and labelled as "traitors" and anti-Zionists. Left wingers are accused of being anarchists for their protests and for blocking roads. And the left side is speaking out about their complete frustration from the inequality of Haredim being paid by the government and from tax payers' money in order to pray as well as for receiving more funds for each additional child born to a n Israeli family/ Haredi children are receiving a very poor education made up mostly of religious studies and no matriculation exams while the rest of the population is being told that a university degree is pretty much equivalent to six years in a Yeshiva. Why should Haredim not be able to hold jobs such as building supervisors and other serious suggestions that see, illogical to a secular or even perhaps to a religious Jew?!

2. The current government is eager to make radical and quick changes and has come well prepared (perhaps too well prepared?!) to turn Israel into a completely ultra-religious Jewish state . Many Jews are voicing a claim that if Israel separates religion and state, it will have no right to exist, therefore the security of a Jewish state can only be certain if Jews uphold the laws of the torah. This then negates the need to use the "negative" word "Invaders" but rather viewing Jews as receiving their land as it is given to them by god. If this is the case, why does Israel need to have Judicial law at all? Rabbis can judge perfectly well and are learned enough when the entire Jewish population is religious. This extreme shift in thinking is a result of a long-term organized plan put together over 20-30 years. Jews with no affiliation with the Zionistic movement - a movement currently viewed as a less and even insignificant movement - are eager to prevent any peace between Jews and Arabs in the country.

3. TV and radio channels with outright propaganda intended to brain wash and to fill people with hatred and vindictiveness. I can hardly believe it myself! The idea that there are Jews preventing the country from occupying larger areas and the strengthening of the idea that Rabin's assassination in 1995 was in fact a heroic act of securing Israel as a stronger Jewish state. It was not the act of a single extreme mad man but a planned assassination that saved Israel and prevented its downfall.

4. A nation of people in trauma and mental disorders from years of wars, sirens, and fears for their lives. Children born into bloodshed areas such as the Palestinian territories where parents are filled with zealous and fanatical beliefs of Jews being The chosen people - Chosen above all!And IDF soldiers unable to get back to their lives after witnessing and experiencing the true reality of the country - hidden from the eyes of Israeli Jewish civilians as well as silenced by the government over the years.

5. A question is being raised now in Israel on a subject that has not been resolved whenever it was discussed in the past. perhaps this was always conveniently unresolved....: is Israel officially a country since it has no constitution, and its boarders continue to be temporary?! Has Israel in fact been waiting in anticipation to officially be a country since 1948? Was Israel built in order to serve as an asylum for Jews or is the state of Israel viewed as one which Jews have returned to after 2,000 years in exile and for the purpose of rebuilding the Jewish temple?

6. The Israeli religious population is living under rapidly growing numbers of communities headed by Rabbis. The government is passing laws granting higher amounts of money for men who spend their time on torah studies while the rest of the population is struggling to make ends meet. At the same time one must ask the question of why should we continue to populate the land with increasingly larger ultra religious families when there are still millions of Jews wishing to make aliyah? And who is regarded as a Jews? Is a person who's grandfather was Jewish - a person that according to Germans was to be annihilated in fact not worthy of receiving Israeli citizenship?!Is this a fair policy in Israel in 2023?

7. Lack of any responsibility on human rights issues from other Arab countries regarding Palestinians is furthermore a cause for Jews to claim that Arabs should be grateful the lives they lead in Israel considering the reality of life in other Muslim countries. And furthermore, the existence of Gaza is a double benefit for Israel in developing its weapons and arms industry and for Palestinian leaders in securing a steady stream of world funds for their pitiful living conditions. in fact, if there were no suffering for the Palestinians, an entire profiting industry would collapse.

8. The fact is that money grabbing, unethical and egocentric leaders are on all sides - Arab, Jewish and Palestinian politicians. These leaders have done nothing to serve the interests of their people. Do they actually care for their people? Are they at leaders?! It seems there is not one in sight who has the courage to do what is right and to tell the truth. Corruption and fake news is prevalent, and the modals of such leaders are abundant.

9. The wars in Syria and the Ukraine have completely strengthened the legitimacy of leaders to act with no respect for human rights or morals. Governments worldwide are not serving their publics but it is rather the public that are serving the governments. Leaders - often chosen in democratic elections - have become dictators with the need for maximum power.

10. The rapid lowering levels of education in IL and religious Jewish fanaticism that has led to a higher level of education among Arab Israelis today than among many Jewish communities coupled with what I believe is over 2 million Israelis who are living overseas is detrimental to Israel. On the one hand trained IDF soldiers in whom the army has invested large amounts of money for training are increasingly choosing to live outside of Israel after their army service, and on the other hand the Arab Israeli population (about one fifth of the Jewish) manage well to balance their education and religion. Not only should we at this point begin to respect our fellow Arab citizens in Israel, but we should also acknowledge their contribution to our economy.Arabs work as doctors, nurses etc. and they have become a strong workforce that pay taxes and do not tend to leave the land of Israel. It now clearer to many Jewish Israelis that the suture of Israel lies on the collaboration between Jews and Arabs.

11An Ex-Israeli residing overseas is at present feeling very uncomfortable by the growing notion that Isarel might not be a place to call "home" or to identify with. To support this notion it is enough to witness the increasing numbers of ex-Israelis demonstrating abroad along with Jews. It is my wish that we can use this point in history to achieve the exact opposite result - I would like to witness the construction of a "Silicon Valley" in Israel. I would like us to thrive to such a degree that we can welcome back the many Israelis who left thus country in pursuit of a better and quieter future. I would like Israel to be strong, democratic and thriving nation in the middle east.  

The determination of Palestinians and Arabs to stay in IL vs the huge number of Israelis that cannot tolerate Israel's illogical and irresponsible leadership after too many years of Netanyahu's arrogant and self promoting leadership. Perhaps 3 million have left? I don't the accurate number but who's asking themselves why?! Why do people raised here - people who the IDF invested great amounts of money in their training and education - have left? These Israelis most often lead very successful careers overseas but yearn to go back home - if it were a decent and democratic country with respect for people of any race and religion. I believe the ONLY when Israelis go overseas to live elsewhere, they get a perspective on their beloved Israel. Often the shock and realization is great they become bitter and resentful towards the country they once were willing to sacrifice their lives for! As early Nov. 2022 I realized our Israeli society is in terrible havoc and confusion. I then started a movement that represented ideas not seen yet in Israel - a movement with a humanistic approach called The Movement for a Democratic Israel. Press here to go to our website.

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