מרבד פרחים

Why did I write The Tune of Life?

There are many reasons why I was inspired to write The Tune of Life. I cannot describe each one to you right now, but the most important reason was to reach out to people - mostly to our children - and to share with them my deep understanding of life and its intricacies. I want to reach children of all religions and faiths all around the globe, and equip them with tools to face and enjoy their futures more fully and with greater satisfaction. I am one of those people who really sings to herself such positive songs as "All we need is love" and "Somewhere over the rainbow"... I believe in mankind, and I act on my beliefs through my flute teaching, music shows and through my writings. I have dedicated myself to these causes since I can remember myself - always seeking to better understand man, society and the world. That is why I wrote this book, and that is why I will sell it worldwide. It is available already in six different languages, and I will translate it into more. This tune cannot be stopped!

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