“I love my country and I want to still continue playing at this age because one would always learn something new about music every day.” says Uncle Perul, as the Malaysian flutist Perambalam Arumugam says. I came accross this article just by chance, and it has so much interesting information about Arumugam's career as well as a terrific video with traditional Malaysian outfits and dances. The language sounds so fascinating and pleasant, and Arumugam flute tone is just great and soothing. This really makes me want to play and hear more music from Malaysia!

לא לאוטוקרטיה! לא לתאוקרטיה! כן לדמוקרטיה!
חזון למדינת ישראל דמוקרטית כתבה תמר מלזר קרימולובסקי ב-13 בנוב' 2022 חלילנית יהודייה ואזרחית מדינת ישראל מאז שנת 1971 ובת של מהגרים מדרום אפריקה (במקור