Yayoi Kusama and the Present Crisis in The Holy Land

The streets of Paris are filled these days with spectacular giant statues by the Japanese world-renowned artist Yayoi Kosama. I have no idea whether it's coincidental or not, but I find in this a message relating directly to our current situation in Israel:

Our world and lives have become shallow. Like circles of feelings that don't touch each other, and with each circle existing in its own "safe" entity within us. A world of loneliness where many have lost the ability to respect another human being. Many are leading their lives without the slightest connection between body and soul - a body that can be viewed as only a superficial and decorated envelopment for a starving soul. Within us I see so much emptiness. An inability to move or think forward and a blindness to that which surrounds us. The extreme hatred and outright cries to murder that were heard yesterday - on Shabbat - against our Minister for Defence Ben Gvir as well as the extreme shocking sentiments by Jews against ultra-religious Jews...and if that's not enough, we can read also in this past weekend's paper an article on the complete and ongoing blindness in Israel to the atrocities of the IDF as well as Jewish settlers towards Arabs. When are people going to realize that the extreme forces in this country are poisoning the Jewish people?! In a reality of ever-growing numbers of lies, false news, false accusations, misinformation and huge inaccuracies, how can anyone in their right mind tell what's true and what is false?! All of this information is streaming speedily through well-oiled mechanisms. Complete stupidity and extremely dangerous statements keep igniting souls: when the one extreme is ignited, it further ignites the other, and all of this together raises the flames deep within the souls of our burning Jewish nation!

Enough is enough, I say to you all today!
Stop. Each and every one of you!

Hatred brings on more hatred!
Fear invites more fear!

Let's each look into our soul - those aching Jewish souls that have been passed on to us from one generation to the other. Let's begin to listen to the tunes that are being played inside of us. Let's block our ears to any tune being played to us in fact in stereo and on our beloved Jewish soil. I invite each of you to journey into the beautiful stillness and deep wisdom that lies within your soul waiting for you to listen...

That is what I write in my book "The Tune of Life", and this is what I believe in. Out of complete desperation of the state of my fellow Israeli people, I started a movement five months ago - the movement "For a Democratic Israel". You may press the following link to join - https://for-democratic-israel.org.il/ and for the ideas in my book press here https://aicf.org/news/the-tune-of-life-by-tamar-melzer-krymolowski/

צילמה: זיוה למד

4 Responses

  1. A very insightful powerful price of writing!
    It is indeed shocking how polarized this country has become.
    Thank you Tamar for your words of moderation and peace.

    1. Thank you, Ruth. I think my mov. will stand out because of our committed approach to move towards a true democracy in Israel – it's about time, and changes are never easy to make. The fact that I'm not a politician is even a plus in my opinion.

  2. מהמם תמר.נעתקו לי המילים.קוסמה היא משהו מיוחד מאוד עבורי ומה שקורה היום בארץ,זה מצב חירום לאומי ויש לפתור אותו מיידית ולהוקיע מתוכנו,בלי שנאה אלא בהבנה,את הקיצונים כמו סמוט ובנג

    1. תודה רבה, חברי היקר עשור! אני כותבת המון בימים אלו כי המדינה מעולם לא היתה בסכנה קיומית כמו היום, ועל כל אדם שמכיר בעובדה הזו לפעול כמיטב יכולתו. שנאה רק יוצרת עוד שנאה, והלואי וכולם היו רואים רק בני אדם מולם במקום אויבים, בוגדים ומי יודע איזה עוד תוויות ריקניות לחלוטין שפמפמו שנים.

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